Recent advancements in automated fluorescence microscopy has made high-content screening an essential technique for discovering novel molecular pathways in disease or potential new therapeutic treatments. Automatic morphology quantification from images of fluorescence microscopy plays an increasingly important role in high-content screens. However, there are very few freeware tools or methods which provide automatic neuronal morphology quantification for these high-content screens. To automate these morphological feature measurements, we have developed NeurphologyJ; it is capable of automatically quantifying neuronal morphology such as soma number and size, neurite length, neurite ending points and attachment points. NeurphologyJ is implemented as a plugin to ImageJ, an open-source Java-based image-processing and analysis platform.
NeurphologyJ has been accepted by the journal BMC Bioinformatics and can be found here.
Sample images of rat hippocampal neurons analyzed by NeurphologyJ are shown:
NeurphologyJ interactive version
Please save the .txt file into the Plugins folder of ImageJ.
NeurphologyJ high-throughput version
Please save the .zip file and unzip both files into the Plugins folder of ImageJ.
This pdf file explains everything and is about 1 Mb.
Because NeurphologyJ runs on ImageJ version 1.43u, you will need to down the ij143u.jar file and replace the ij.jar with it.
NeurphologyJ requires this plugin to work.
Supplemental image set 1 (hippocampal neurons)
This zip file is about 20 Mb.
Supplemental image set 2 (P19 neurons)
This zip file is about 3 Mb.
Supplemental image set 3 (attachment and ending points)
This zip file is about 120 kb.